Wednesday 14 December 2011

Posts regarding editing

This has tended to be poorly blogged in the past.

Try to plan posts that will reflect :-

1. Illustrate (perhaps through Screen grabs) how you have demonstrated Match On Action, 180 Degree Rule, Shot/Reverse shot
2. Examples of other particular editing techniques - for example PACE, Parallel edits, particular transition, how it manipulates space or time, or other continuity techniques like Eye line Match - again consider HOW you will illustrate this.
3. Your decision making - throughout your editing experience, you will discuss (maybe have disagreements) about various alternatives - try to capture some of these discussions and post different versions of a particular scene with a discussion as to which version was decided upon and why.

Monday 12 December 2011

Posts about your filming experience

You need to blog a post that evidences your filming - take photos of you actually filming.

In addition, write a reflective/evaluative post on "Lessons learnt" from your filming experiences - perhaps you could actually film yourselves in discussion on this.

Or, you could take some screen grabs from your footage to illustrate good and bad practice - lighting, white balance, framing, control of the background etc.

Health and Safety - Risk assessments

You cannot hire out equipment without the necessary accompanying RISK ASSESSMENT.

This can be found on the K Drive - Visual Arts and Media / Film and Media / Video production/ Resources/ Location research.

The point of a risk assessment is that you consider all the risks in filming and then consider (and document) how you eliminate these risks.

Friday 9 December 2011

When you are filming!

  • Remember to reset your white balance each time you reposition your camera.
  • Will you require lighting
  • Shoot each shot several times
  • Label shots using the small whiteboard - take one, take two etc
  • Make a sandwich - essential that you have plenty of waste each side of the shot you require. "Camera rolling" "Speed" "Action" and then 3 seconds after you have said "CUT" should ensure this.
  • Use your tripod
  • Do have permission to film in your locations?

Before you can film

Ensure all planning is complete and the process is clearly and visually blogged.

Storyboard completed - scan into post

Location research
- where and when will you film - take images and upload

Script - dialogue written - upload

Shot list
- likely that you will not film in order.

Consider lighting -
you could film yourselves experimenting with this.

Reminder of Whitebalance - blog this.

Thursday 8 December 2011

Uploading Images through Word


Pause the clip
Hit screen grab
Open word
Paste image in
Right click and "SAVE AS PICTURE"
Save into your J drive - suggest you create a file "Foundation Portfolio/Blog Images/and NAME your file.

Open Blogger - New Post - Click UPLOAD IMAGE icon on top menu bar

In Browse box, locate the image in your J drive and upload.

To post a screen grab from video (using Photoshop)

Find your video clip
Pause / hit PRINT SCREEN
You should now see your image on screen
Go to Image (on menu bar) - Set width size to 25

To SAVE - Save for WEB - Reset file type as a JPEG and reset quality to 38.

Wednesday 7 December 2011


Story Boarding
must use format below and in addition, add your timings for each shot.

You can then scan your finished storyboard add import to your blog post

First 5 posts

Post one - group photo

Post two - upload brief/task from K drive (just the first half side)

Post 3, 4 and 5 - indepth explanation of each of the key continuity terms. Shot/Reverse Shot, Match on Action, 180 degree rule.

MAKE IT VISUALLY INTERESTING - it must be a multi media post. Keep text concise, use headings and sub headings and bullet points, embed video, screengrabs, still images, hyperlinks, construct your own videos to demonstrate experimentation with lighting or special effects or whatever, video audience feedback, interview yourself giving explanations etc.

AS Foundation Portfolio 2011-12

All posts above this are for the year group 2011-12.

Ignore all posts below this as they do not concern you.

Only read those above