Friday 25 January 2013


I have given feedback to al of you that i am supervising.  The following films have not been uploaded - Shay and Nicole, Helena, Max and Kate.  This is causing quite a lot of inconvenience for me.  ASAP or you will not receive any feedback.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Lighting Homework

Once you have gone through lighting in class, you will have one week to complete the Homework on Moodle - see homework 6 below on the Media AS page.  This is to be done as a group and will count towards your coursework grade because it will count as part of your Research and Planning mark allocation.  

Click on homework Six to read the instructions for the Homework.

Monday 21 January 2013

Follow my blog

you should now sign up and follow my blog if you are being supervised by me!

Sound Homework

The task asked you to add sound to a film clip in Garageband

You needed to add at least ;

  • 4 Foleys from GB
  • A soundtrack from GB
  • A Soundtrack from a copyright free website 
  • A foley of your own making using a Sound Recorder.

The final product then needs to be uploaded to your blog by this


Thursday 17 January 2013

Documenting how your prelim task illustrtaes the 3 continuity techniques

In 3 separate posts, using screengrabs, you need to demonstrate each of the 3 techniques that you were asked to demonstarte in the task.

i-Macs allow you take screen grabs by pressing CMD / SHIFT and 3 or 4 simultaneously (depending if you want to capture the entire screen or just a part of it).

Where to store your finished preliminary task

Once you have completed your prelim task, Go to  FILE / Export / Quick time conversion / and then choose the i-phone option and save as an i-phone conversion.  This will then save it to a resolution that is perfect for viewing on your blog.

Place your completed work in the AS Media Folder / Prelim Task  / Completed Prelim Task / Your AS block and then name it with your group names (First Name and Surname of each individual).

Then upload to your blog.

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Media Studies foundation Portfolio 2013

The Preliminary task

This needs to be edited by the end of the week really.  However the final deadline is next Wednesday 23rd January.

1. Your video needs to be saved into the appropriate completed folder for your BLOCK
2. You need to then export and upload your video in Quick time to your Blog
3. On your blog, you will need to demonstrate through the use of screen grabs, the 3 continuity editing tasks that you were asked to complete.
4. ALSO, you will need to upload your sound practical using garage Band, copyright free music sources and your own recorded Foleys, onto your blog under a title of "Sound Practical" and you need to make it clear where each of the recorded sounds can be heard on your film clip.