Tuesday 28 January 2014

Foundation portfolio - Deadline ONE - Initial research into Thriller openings

Your next deadline is for thriller research  
Sunday Feb 2nd midnight.

You must post at least 4 different openings  (not trailers!) each, analysing the full range of film techniques used by each, character construction, narrative/story order and themes.

In addition, it must be presented in a blog format.  - images, video, sub headings, use of  colour, vary size of font, hyperlinks, bullet points etc etc. 

Saturday 25 January 2014

Sound Practical

Blocks 1 and 4 had their deadline on Friday.

No -one, except perhaps for Kieren, Sarah and Hannah, have made this deadline.
Your overall Research and Planning mark is made up of 7 criteria, one of which is TIME MANAGEMENT (which means the meeting of internal interim deadlines).  

Not a great start for some of you!

If you have completed the task and simply failed to upload to the blog (as requested), then this will be recognised.  However, you should create a post about the sound practical - sources used, evidence of doing this etc.

Monday 20 January 2014

Feedback on your Preliminary Task

For those that I am supervising

Block One
Matt, Trey and Patrick: 
Harry, Rosie, James and Stephen.

Block 4
Kieren, Hannah and Sarah
Ben, Elliot and Charlie
Dan, harry and Tom

Block 7
Katie, Gemma, Hannah and Emma
Tom, Phoebe and Isaac

.... you will now find full feedback on your preliminary task.

1. General feedback
2. What to consider in the future / how to improve.

Some commin problems were students not setting the white balance correctly!
Also, insufficient use of lighting,

some poor framing (especially in S / RS sequences where characters only filled 50% of the frame) and

Sound - the lack of sound bridges between shots.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Sound Practical

Friday 24th January

Your sound Practical needs to be completed by week on Friday.

Make sure that you have included :-

1. 4 SFX from Garageband
2. 1 X Music soundtrack from Garageband
3. 1 X Music soundtrack from a Copyright free source (see list of websites for this on H/O and display in editing suite)
4. Create atleast one FOLEY EFFECT yourself using the voice recorders.

This all needs to be uploaded to your blog

1. The completed task as a an embedded video
2. A clear documentation of you doing the task and how you did it!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

What deadliners are coming up

The Final deadline for the completed Prelim task is Friday 17th January.


Create a FINAL post called - "Completed Prelim Task".  You will need to upload the final version of your prelim task to this post.   To do this you will need to follow the "Exporting for upload to Blogger" guidance sheet - click on the link below.

Click here to go to this guidance sheet

In addition, take Screengrabs to demonstrate the 3 key continuity terms and discuss each

Pre Production blog Posts

Your blog should evidence the following :-

MOA, 180, S/RS
Assigning roles
Planning locations, props & Costume
"Before you start filming post" - white balance, framing and sandwich, repeat shoot shots.
H & S
Any experiments on techniques.

Production Blog Posts (Filming)

Evidence of you filming

Post-Production Blog Posts (Editing)

Evidence of you editing
Discussions opf editing decisions
Discussions of any editing techniques used
Don't forget to discuss sound editing as well.

Andrew's Foundation Portfolio Blog 2014 - your guide.

This is where you'll find deadlines, advice, links, exemplar (top grade) work and extension material.

You are all welcome to use these pages, but those who I'll be supervising MUST click on FOLLOW my blog to ensure that a feed appears on your dashboard with all of the above help.

Those I'm supervising MUST ALSO READ AND ACT ON MY COMMENTS ON YOUR BLOGS, as these are things you need to do to improve your work.

In addition, those I'm supervising MUST create a link to my blog on the front page of YOUR BLOG. You do this by 'adding a gadget' (blog roll) on your design template. Ask for help if you can't work it out.