Tuesday 23 September 2014

AS Media - 2014-15 - First Practical Task - Using a camera and basic editing.

Your Foundation portfolio (coursework) requires you to make the opening to a thriller film.  This will require high levels of skill in the use of both a camera and editing.  This task is the first step in preparing you for this task (which you will do next term)

1. Work in groups of 3

2. The sheet given out in class identifies the shots that you have to take.
3. Each group member will shoot all 11 shots (Thus, there will be 33 in total).
4. Each group member will edit their  own 11 shots with accompanying titles and a music soundtrack.
5. You will be given some lesson time for the camera work, however, your editing will need to do done in your own study time.

Top Tips.
a) Use a whiteboard at the start of each clip to indicate the type and owner of the shot.

b) Always set the white balance and reset it if you alter the direction of the camera or enter a new environment.

c) Make a sandwich - "Camera rolling, Speed and Action!  Cut!


d) Ensure the camera is attached securely and in the correct direction to the tripod arm.

e) Conduct a risk assessment of each location before you start to shoot.  Record this in MS on your footage.