Friday 21 January 2011

Deadline one - Friday 21st january

I will be marking your blogs over the weekend.

You have until midnight tonight to add thiose things required.

I have had a look and at present they are rather bare! A few location shots perhaps. You need atleast :-

1. Discussion of the task - what are these 3 things that you have been required to do? Explain each of the continuity terms, then consider how you can make this more exciting as a post - embed a video perhaps or find illustrations

. There are many tutorial type videos on Youtube. Perhaps then illustarte this particular technique by embedding a sequence from a real film or drama as a series of screen grabs. Then lastly, discuss how you did this in your film, both in words and screengrabs.

2. Your stiryboard should be posted

3. Your location work

4. Organisation that was necessary

5. Roles

6. You could document what equipment you have used. Challengers in the editing suite or in filming.

7. blog all decisions you have made.

8 the format - it must look like a blog - multimedia approach

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