Friday 24 February 2012

Waiting to film and further planning

You may now be in a position where you have secured permission to film, but are waiting to film. What should you be doing in the meantime?

1. Experiment - consider some of the more complex sequences that you want to film and rehearse them or experiment with particular camera techniques like Slow Mo, Focus Pulling , Tracking, lighting etc. Film your efforts. Post them.
2. Make up any key props that you require - newspapers front pages etc. Secure particular costumes etc.
3. Make sure that you have blogged all your permissions and risk assessments.
Research into films/dramas that have used particular props or sequences that you intend to use and see how they have been filmed. Can you pick up useful tips from these?

Wednesday 22 February 2012

If you want to film during Media lesson time

This is OK. The best period to use is your double period. If this is preceeded by a lunchtime or a P4 on which you are all free, even better.

The procedure for this is simple :-

1. E mail BOTH your media teachers on the day that you plan to film.
2. If you are already in college, sign out in the normal way and say what you are doing and where you are going.
3. We will then record you as a C as oppoesed to a 0 - so your attendnace is unaffected.
4. Make sure that you booked out your equipemnt in advance.
5. Make sure your risk assessments are in place.

This will not be permissable after the 9th March.

Just ensure that you follow the procedure

Friday 17 February 2012

Feedback on deadline one

As with the first deadline, any missed deadlines or very incomplete offerings will again be cause for concerned. If you have a small number of gaps still to fill, you can always edit your posts.

Those groups that I am most concerned by are:-

Ella, Jo and Tegan - very little posted for deadline
Josh, Dan, Anna and Joe - ony original ideas posted - these have changed and need to see what these are.
Shay, Dan and Jordan - a second deadline missed. Not good for your overall R & p mark. Have you really progressed no further than this?
Jonah, Tommy, Sascha and Alicia - Getting behind - no storyboard.
Charlie, Rhian and Colette - same, no storyboard. Absences by group members is a concern.
Dani, Danielle and Charlotte - consider your format - again, no storyboard.
Maddie, Matt and Tom - No storyboard
Marlon, Dani, Aimee and Kieren - No storyboard. Absences by group memebrs starting to concern me.
You will all recieve cause for concerns on your ILPs. You must keep up. Some groups have alreay filmed and are now editing! Why? Becuase they made the time and were prepared to go that extra yard!
Congratulations to :-

Harrison, Carla, Izzy and James
James, Jason, Dan and Curtis

.... for particularly good postings.

Monday 6 February 2012

Storyboards and animatics

Part of the deadline is to submit a storyboard. Normally a storyboard will have a whole range of information about the particular shot. If you are using POST ITs it is possible that some of this has nbeen left off. Therefore, you need to have two versions of your animatic.

Version one - drawn SB tiles of all the shots you expect to film - this includes things like Match on Actions and Shot Reverse Shots. This does not require a voice over - each shot reflects the length of the actual shot/take you intend to use and if you frame it accurately, it will be clear what the shot distance is.

Version two, can be longer and should have a voice over expalining what is taking place in each shot and other important info about angles, movement etc. that are normally documented on a storyboard like the example above

Sunday 5 February 2012

Review Day

Use Review day sensibly. You will have to come in anyway, so as well as seeing all your teachers, try to organise it so that your group can meet up for some quality time to organise and plan your film opening at some point during the day.

Filming over half term


will only be allowed to film over half term if you get permission to do so from your supervisor. This will be based on seeing your completed storyboard and evidence of permissions if filming in particular locations.

Friday 3 February 2012

Addition to deadline two - evidence your permissions

Please consider how you will evidence that you have permission to film in particular locations. You can post letters, screengrabs of text messages, video of conversations or someone giving you consent to film. Be creative!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Deadline Two - Pre- Production planning - Feb 10th.

What you need to do!

A completed storyboard for the entire opening (preferably having used ‘post it’s), including initial ideas about title placing.
This needs to be made into an animatic of approximately the same length as the final film will be (shots to be timed carefully) with a voice-over explanation and embedded onto the blog.

- a synopsis for the whole film narrative from which this will be the opening
- the script for any dialogue,
- list of roles (see pre-production planning advice)
- images of locations and decisions about locations,
- prop research and justification in terms of character and story
- health and safety, including risk assessments for filming and use of equipment.
- lighting decisions.
Blog Heading “Pre-Production Planning”(clearly label which group member has taken responsibility for each of the various posts).

Again, consider blog format – images, text, screen grabs, embedded video, hyperlinks, etc

If you want to film over half term, this needs to be handed in earlier in order that we can check it through and grant permission.

Deadline - Friday 10th February