Monday 6 February 2012

Storyboards and animatics

Part of the deadline is to submit a storyboard. Normally a storyboard will have a whole range of information about the particular shot. If you are using POST ITs it is possible that some of this has nbeen left off. Therefore, you need to have two versions of your animatic.

Version one - drawn SB tiles of all the shots you expect to film - this includes things like Match on Actions and Shot Reverse Shots. This does not require a voice over - each shot reflects the length of the actual shot/take you intend to use and if you frame it accurately, it will be clear what the shot distance is.

Version two, can be longer and should have a voice over expalining what is taking place in each shot and other important info about angles, movement etc. that are normally documented on a storyboard like the example above

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