Sunday 1 February 2015

Deadline Two

Deadline Two – Pre-Production Planning

Synopsis for the whole film from which this will be the opening.
Storyboard as TWO animatics

Research and Planning into :-
Creation of character through Costume, Hair and Make up, Body Language and Facial expression,
Lighting and colour,

Illustration of how you plan to incorporate continuity editing.
Research and Planning into all aspects of sound (Script, Music, Sound Effects)
Examples of experiments and rehearsals
All permissions clearly documented
Documentation of all possible risks and how they are made safe.
Evidence of audience feedback about your storyboard and other aspects of planning
Discussions about Representation & Narrative Structure and use of narrative devices (Restricted & Unrestricted narration, Enigma & Action codes)

Friday February 6th, midnight.

You can only start filming once this planning has been checked and OKd by your Supervisor.

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