Monday 2 March 2015

Progress upto end feb.

Deadline One - Research

Meg, Alex and Holly - all very good progress - L3/4

Dave, Ethan and James - Dave has made progress L2, James and Ethan yet to post.

Alicia, Georgia and Matt - Still no posting.  CFC.

Josh, Adrianna and Jess - Jess L4, Josh L3 and Adrianna no posts

Ella, Naomi and folly - all posted - L3 / 4 work.

Deadline Two - Pre Production

Ella, Folly and Naomi - Good progress here - High L3.

Josh, Jess and Adrianna - Falling behind - Much to do. L2 (need second animatic, setting and props)

Alicia, Georgia and Matt - No progress posted. CFC

Dave, Ethan and James - Some progress but still underdeveloped - L2

Meg, Alex and Holly - Excellent progress - L3 / 4

Deadline 3 - Filming

Ella, Folly and Naomi - Good progress though lacks evidence of process
Josh, Jess and Adrianna - Nothing
Alicia, Georgia and Matt - Nothing
Dave, Ethan and James - One of two settings completed - no evidence of shoot.
Meg, Alex and Holly - One of two settings completed plus evidence of shoot

Deadline 4 - Image editing

Ella, Folly and Naomi - Captured and transferred - Labeled and decision list -

Josh, Jess and Adrianna - Nothing

Alicia, Georgia and Matt - Nothing

Dave, Ethan and James - Capture and Log - begun to label.

Meg, Alex and Holly - Yet to Capture.

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