Monday 7 December 2015

By the end of Week Two (December 11th)

You will need to have completed all of your filming.

Sunday 6 December 2015


If you have not completed the first 2 P4 sessions with Sophia or Matt, then you really need to ensure that you do this this week.

To improve your posts

Generally, these are really good.  Well done.  Lots of imagery, embedded video.

Some groups have also made their own videos - for example risk assessments.

You will need to upload your storyboard soon.  Aswell as the SB, film yourselves creating your SB aswell to evidence that it is yours.  You can also briefly explain what a SB is and its function.

When you do this, isolate those parts of the SB that illustrate MOA and SRS and revisit your original posts and insert these to demonstrate application.

Preliminary task 2015-16

You should have posted the : - 

  • prelim task
  • 3 cont editing techniques
  • roles 

and ......

some of you have added location research and risk assessments.

Today, you need to have ...

1. Done any location research

  • evidence this, 
  • evidence permission, 
  • do any risk assessments for the location.

2. Do any prop research / planning.

  • If there is blood, how do you create blood
  • How are you getting costumes.
  • Do you need to buy or borrow certain props -

again, evidence all this process and post.

3. Storyboard needs to be completed.  All the tiles - don't leave anything out.  make sure that you include CU shots as well.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Feedback on title and credit deadline

Overall very disappointing with very few of you making the deadline.


David, Ethan and James

David = 1 of 3 (Horror not Thriller)
Ethan = Zero
James = Zero

Ella, Naomi and Folly

No one has made the deadline

Keegan, Greg and Simeon

Greg has done 3 - not really followed the guidance
Keegan - zero
Simeon - Zero


Josh, Adrianna and Jess

Josh - some analysis but it is very incomplete - follow the instructions.
Jess - Zero
Adrana - Zero

Alex, Meg and Holly

Holly - Zero
Alex = all 3
Meg - Zero

Tuesday 10 March 2015


Each group member needs to do an individual post AND ANALYSE AT LEAST 3 DIFFERENT TITLE SEQUENCES FROM THE START OF 3 DIFFERENT FILMS. ACROSS YOUR GROUP, YOU MUST NOT REPEAT THE SAME FILMS.  This research post should be completed before you attempt any titling or credits - otherwise, you will not fully understand what is required of you.

Questions to answer on each of your own 3 title sequences you analyse:

1. The name of the film (the film title):  How does it construct the Thriller genre, connect with the audience, create interest or anticipation for the target audience?

2. Consider how the film title design might further communicate meaning to the audience about genre, meaning or story. (Colour, font, animation, size, background etc).

3. What institutional info is included?

4. Is additional story info included - eg date or location of story? If so, why?

5. Are actors included? How are they introduced in the title sequence?

6. For the sequence as a whole - consider the relationship between title and credit information and the background for that frame (onto black, a still image or moving image of the actual film). Suggest reasons for it being effective as part of the Thriller opening.

7. Is the sound diegetic or non diegetic - how is the title and credit sequence edited to the music? Are sound bridges used?

8 Study carefully the relationship between moving image segments of the film (the start of the plot) and the introduction of titles. What is the order in which they are introduced? Why do you think this is?

Next you should follow the same procedure for your own title and/or credit designs. Give reasons for every aspect of your planning and construction, along the lines of the research questions above. You can share this in the group.

You should be able to demonstrate some audience feedback for this - is your title achieving the effect that you want to achieve?
Don't forget to get Audience Feedback on your own title words, design and plans for the method by which you plan to insert the titles in the moving images.

Monday 2 March 2015

Progress upto end feb.

Deadline One - Research

Meg, Alex and Holly - all very good progress - L3/4

Dave, Ethan and James - Dave has made progress L2, James and Ethan yet to post.

Alicia, Georgia and Matt - Still no posting.  CFC.

Josh, Adrianna and Jess - Jess L4, Josh L3 and Adrianna no posts

Ella, Naomi and folly - all posted - L3 / 4 work.

Deadline Two - Pre Production

Ella, Folly and Naomi - Good progress here - High L3.

Josh, Jess and Adrianna - Falling behind - Much to do. L2 (need second animatic, setting and props)

Alicia, Georgia and Matt - No progress posted. CFC

Dave, Ethan and James - Some progress but still underdeveloped - L2

Meg, Alex and Holly - Excellent progress - L3 / 4

Deadline 3 - Filming

Ella, Folly and Naomi - Good progress though lacks evidence of process
Josh, Jess and Adrianna - Nothing
Alicia, Georgia and Matt - Nothing
Dave, Ethan and James - One of two settings completed - no evidence of shoot.
Meg, Alex and Holly - One of two settings completed plus evidence of shoot

Deadline 4 - Image editing

Ella, Folly and Naomi - Captured and transferred - Labeled and decision list -

Josh, Jess and Adrianna - Nothing

Alicia, Georgia and Matt - Nothing

Dave, Ethan and James - Capture and Log - begun to label.

Meg, Alex and Holly - Yet to Capture.

Saturday 14 February 2015

Sim, Greg and keegan.
Very incomplete.
Level 1/2

Ethan, David and James
Very incomplete, No storyboard.
Level 2

Matt, Alicia and Georgia

Ella, Naomi and Folly
Some good work.
Few bits to still complete, but looking good.
Level 3

Josh, Adriana and Jess
Very incomplete
No storyboard
Level 1/2

Meg, Alex and Meg
Good start
Some things still to complete
Level 3

Sunday 8 February 2015

Students failing to have met deadline one

Those students who have still failed to meet the first "Research" deadline (posting an analysis of 4 opening sequences), will lose R & P marks.

In addition 

a cfc will be posted on e tracker 


a letter will be sent home expressing concerns about your progress in the coursework.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Deadline Two

Deadline Two – Pre-Production Planning

Synopsis for the whole film from which this will be the opening.
Storyboard as TWO animatics

Research and Planning into :-
Creation of character through Costume, Hair and Make up, Body Language and Facial expression,
Lighting and colour,

Illustration of how you plan to incorporate continuity editing.
Research and Planning into all aspects of sound (Script, Music, Sound Effects)
Examples of experiments and rehearsals
All permissions clearly documented
Documentation of all possible risks and how they are made safe.
Evidence of audience feedback about your storyboard and other aspects of planning
Discussions about Representation & Narrative Structure and use of narrative devices (Restricted & Unrestricted narration, Enigma & Action codes)

Friday February 6th, midnight.

You can only start filming once this planning has been checked and OKd by your Supervisor.

Deadline One - Who completed Deadline One

Block one

Greg - all 4 openings completed
Keegan - Nothing posted
Sim - One opening posted.

Naomi and Folly - completed all 4 openings
Ella - No openings posted. (you have posted GWDT and US, I do have 4 on word however - these now need to be uploaded.

Adriana - No posts completed
Jess - all Four posts completed
Josh - all posts completed (although slight misinterpretation of task)

Georgia - Nothing posted
Matt - nothing posted
Alicia - one opening completed.

Block Four

Holly - Print version to see
Alex - All 4 completed
Meg - All 4 posts completed

James - Nothing posted
Ethan - nothing posted
David - Two posts

Red - Time management marks unaffected
Green - Losing some marks for time management
Blue - Already jeopardising possibility of level 4 for research and planning grade.

Who I am supervising

Block one

Greg, Sim and Keegan
Naomi, Ella and Folly
Adriana, Jess and Josh

Block Four
Meg, Holly and Alex
James, Ethan and David